The Face of Ingratitude

and its voice.
"The president is well aware of what happened when a bunch of his nominees were sent up, with the filibuster," Specter added, referring to Senate Democrats' success over the past four years in blocking the confirmation of many of Bush's conservative judicial picks. "... And I would expect the president to be mindful of the considerations which I am mentioning."This isn't a threat, is it? No, heaven forfend!
Here's a guy who has his Senate seat today only because W backed him. He's done everyone a favor with this unintended moment of candor. Time to put the guy out to pasture. The left has made a sacrement of preventing strict-constructionists on to any federal court because, presumably, strict-constructionism is a threat to Roe v. Wade.
The real issue is what the proper role of the courts is under our constitution. Leftists want the courts to be an ersatz federal super-legislature with unlimited jurisdiction, and accountable to no one. Senator Specter wants to help them realize this goal. None of this is consistent with our constitution, therefore they must oppose all strict-constructionists. The "right" to abortion is their straw man in this fight.
The continuation of Constitutional government in this nation depends on not putting the likes of Arlen Specter in charge of approving the President's appointments to the courts. W made a mistake backing this guy. Let's hope he recognizes that now.